Thursday, November 27, 2014


     In this article , I reflected on error in foreign language teaching especially in english are the cases which are difficult enough to avoid . Many aspects that can cause the learners of english as a foreign language make errors . These aspects are interferance, overgenalization, strategies of communication and assimilation .
    So, it is essential to define a few terms that teachers have to know  the overgeneralization generally involves the creation of one deviant structure in place of two regular structures , for example , “he can sings”, “ We are hope” , “ it is occurs”. Also, there are interlengual error it occurs when the learner´s L1 habits ( patterns , systems or rules) interfere or prevent him/ her , to some extent , from acquiring the patterns and rules of the second language . According to Brown (2000) , “ Fosilization is a normal and natural stage for many learners “ it happens for various reasons , often related to the kind of motivation  a learner has .

    There are many factors that the teachers need to carefully  consider. They must make judgements in different situations and use experience to treat errors properly at the right time and purposes. For example , while students are focusing on meaningful communication , it is not the right time to interrupt , but it would be more productive to do error correction while they are having linguistics drills in which they are attentive to the accurancy and teachers should focus on only a few major errors at a time ( such as subject , verb agreement or tenses) and teachers can reformulate the mistake by repeating in a correct way.

   In conclusion, as teachers of english as a foreign language , we should improve the way we teach to reduce the errors which are always made by the learners. For learners , error analysis needed to show them in what aspect in grammatical structures , vocabulary (lexis) which is difficult for them, whereas for teachers , it is required to evaluate themselves whether they are successful or not in teaching.

1 comment:

  1. I strongly agree with you Verónica. Is good not to correct students all the time becasue they will get afraid to talk again. So, teachers should know when exactly correct students in order to successfuly help them to avoid making mistakes.
